A Warm Welcome!

I invite you to linger and browse.

In my Gestalt practice, I work in the following areas, among others:

Individual and couple therapy
Work with children and adolescents
Supervision and coaching
Education and training
Theme centered events

If you are interested, please feel free to contact me personally.

A Warm Welcome!

I invite you to linger and browse.

In my Gestalt practice, I work in the following areas, among others:

Individual and couple therapy
Work with children and adolescents
Supervision and coaching
Education and training
Theme centered events

If you are interested, please feel free to contact me personally.


  • September 13 – 15, 2024 – Nuremberg

    The one-year training course
    Gestalt approach to group leadership
    offers the opportunity to a lateral entry from 13-15 September 2024


    June 21 – 23, 2024
    September 13 – 15, 2024
    November 15 – 17, 2024

    Coordination: Katti Hess

    For more information, please email be-weg-lich@posteo.de or call +49 (0)176 24 18 64 61.

    [read more]

  • May 3 – 5, 2024 – Prague

    7th Czech Gestalt Conference

    Leading Gestalt groups with presence and mindfulness

    2 taster workshops – 3 hours each

    as part of the 7th Czech Gestalt Conference

    [Further information can be found on the conference website]

  • June 6, 2024 – Vienna

    Book presentation

    “Gestalttherapie mit Erwachsenen Kindern aus Alkoholiker-Familien”

    Holistic Recovery: A handbook for those affected and therapists (EHP – Edition Humanistische Psychologie)

    followed by a workshop

    [learn more about the book]

  • 2024 – Koblenz

    Information Talk on Gestalt training.

    Have you become curious about how Gestalt can enrich and support you in your professional practice?

    Have you found that personal issues sometimes interfere with your work?

    Would you like to be part of a group of committed colleagues who would like to develop professionally and personally and at the same time discover more of their own liveliness, lightness and creativity?

    You are welcome to contact the GIH if you have any questions regarding our training offers:

    [GIH – Gestalt Institute Hamburg e.V.]

    or [Email me]

  • January – June 2024 – Koblenz

    Ongoing Gestalt training group

    New entry dates:

    • 29th/30th June 2024
    • 07th/08th September 2024
    • 02nd/06th October 2024
    • 26th/27th October 2024
    • 30th. November / 01st December 2024

    Gestalt therapy is a therapeutic method hose high effectiveness has been proven in international studies and is recognized, for example, in America and many European countries. It is a further development of psychoanalysis and at its core is critical of society and emancipatory. Many of its methods were extracted and incorporated into cognitive behavioural therapy. Some have also been further developed within independent schools that promote personal growth and salutogenesis, such as mindfulness training and systemic therapy.”

    [GIH – Gestalt Institute Hamburg e.V.]

Missed the event?

Sorry for that. If you are interested, please send me an email with your questions or requests.

[contact me]

  • May 19 to 21, 2023 – Leipzig

    Workshop at the D-A-CH conference in Leipzig

    Deceleration – Which introjects do we have regarding time?

    [More information on the conference website]

  • June 23 to 25, 2023 – Dresden

    Professional development: The Gestalt approach to leading groups

    a one year program

    dates: Beginning June 23rd.
    further dates: 15.-17. September and 17-19 November 2023

    [Find out more from coordinator Solveig Meister]

  • 2nd half-year 2022 – Koblenz

    09 September 2022 18:00 – 19:30
    November 25, 2022 18:00 – 19:30 h

    Free information sessions on Gestalt training (in my practice).

    Have you become curious about how Gestalt can enrich and support you in your professional practice?

    Have you experienced that personal issues sometimes interfere with your work?

    Would you like to be part of a circle of committed colleagues who want to develop professionally and personally, and at the same time discover more of their own liveliness, lightness and creativity?

    This information evening offers space for questions regarding our training offer and a small experiential introduction to the essence of Gestalt.

    I cordially invite you to this free information event.

    Registration requested by May 18, 2022.

    [Email me]

  • 27 – 29 May 2022 – Nuremberg

    Workshop at the Gestalt Conference in Nuremberg

    Sustainable self-regulation – how can it succeed?

    [Link to DVG Conference Nuremberg]

  • May 14-16, 2021 – Vienna

    Workshop at the D-A-CH – Conference in Vienna

    Proposals for ‘being’ more and ‘having’ less and for acting more instead of complaining.
    In recollection of Erich Fromm

    [Learn more]

  • February 28-29, 2020 – Vienna

    2-day training on Leading Groups

    for IGWien (Training Institute for Intergrative Gestalt Therapy)

    This workshop gives group leaders the opportunity to reflect on their practice and share their experiences. Specific questions of the participants can be addressed.

    In addition, participants can try out the implementation of important Gestalt principles for leading groups under supervised guidance. The essential principles of Gestalt group leadership will be conveyed as a theoretical background, as well as the derivation of the following concrete suggestions for action.

    [Learn more]

  • October 2019 – Fuzhou, Fuijan (China)

    30 September – 4 October 2019

    5-day advanced training for group leaders with therapeutic training
    Course language: English with Chinese translation.

    Learning to use the creative potential of the group

    Participants learn methods that promote the creativity and liveliness of the individual in interaction with the other group members and thus lead to personal and professional growth. Methods will be introduced that are appropriate to the group process, such as staging something, sculpture work and constellations, dream work, playback theater, etc.  Furthermore, there is the possibility for the participants – under live supervision – to learn and own experience what it is like to lead a Gestalt group.

  • May 3 – 5, 2024 – Prague

    7th Czech Gestalt Conference

    Leading Gestalt groups with presence and mindfulness

    2 taster workshops – 3 hours each

    as part of the 7th Czech Gestalt Conference

    [Further information can be found on the conference website]

  • September 6, 2024 – Vienna

    Book presentation

    “Gestalttherapie mit Erwachsenen Kindern aus Alkoholiker-Familien”

    Holistic Recovery: A handbook for those affected and therapists (EHP – Edition Humanistische Psychologie)

    followed by a workshop

    [learn more about the book]

  • 2024 – Koblenz

    Information Talk on Gestalt training.

    Have you become curious about how Gestalt can enrich and support you in your professional practice?

    Have you found that personal issues sometimes interfere with your work?

    Would you like to be part of a group of committed colleagues who would like to develop professionally and personally and at the same time discover more of their own liveliness, lightness and creativity?

    You are welcome to contact the GIH if you have any questions regarding our training offers:

    [GIH – Gestalt Institute Hamburg e.V.]

    or [Email me]

  • January – June 2024 – Koblenz

    Ongoing Gestalt training group

    New entry dates:

    • 13th/14th January 2024
    • 24th/25th February 2024
    • 16th/17th March 2024
    • 29th/30th June 2024

    Gestalt therapy is a therapeutic method whose high effectiveness has been proven in international studies and is recognized, for example, in America and many European countries. It is a further development of psychoanalysis and at its core is critical of society and emancipatory. Many of its methods were extracted and incorporated into cognitive behavioural therapy. Some have also been further developed within independent schools that promote personal growth and salutogenesis, such as mindfulness training and systemic therapy.”

    [GIH – Gestalt Institute Hamburg e.V.]

Training and courses are again being prepared for 2024/2025. Please keep yourself informed about current dates by checking this page every now and then.

Click on the Groups & Courses icon above to see a list of current [Groups & Courses].

Or contact me so I can send you the new dates as soon as they are set. [Email]

On 22 January 2022 this group began:

Gestalt work with groups

A further training offer for group leaders

10 dates, Saturdays every 4 – 6 weeks

[Learn more]


Click on the icon above to see a list of current publications.

My new book is published:

Gestalttherapie mit Erwachsenen Kindern aus Alkoholiker-Familien
(Gestalt therapy with adult children from alcoholic families)

Holistic Recovery: A handbook for those affected and therapists
(EHP – Edition Humanistische Psychologie)

[learn more]

Please also note our book publication


Gestalttherapie mit Gruppen
(Gestalt Therapy with Groups)

[learn more]

Our book has just been published in Mandarin on the Chinese market.


The book “Gestalt Therapy with Groups guides us on the journey of discovery of our soul, full of curiosity, speculation and creativity.”

Prof. Dr. SHI Qijiia, Professor of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Vice Director of Gestalt Group of Committee of Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Chinese Psychological Society

[further referrals]


In contrast to therapy, counselling always deals with one or more concrete, limited problems for which the client wants a solution.

Counselling will provide you with very concrete information and advice that can help you, if needed.

In most cases, however, this will not be the most important thing, because guidebooks, self-help books and well-meaning friends, acquaintances and relatives are often sufficiently available. The focus in counselling is rather to help you find the solution that is right for you. Only if it is tailor-made can you implement it. At the same time, you will learn by example how to solve problems satisfactorily in the future.

The duration of counselling is usually much shorter than that of therapy. Sometimes, however, counselling can turn into a longer-term therapy. In this case terms and conditions will be renegotiated.

My Prices
Type Price Duration
Individual and couple therapy   90,00 € 60 Min.
One-to-one supervision 100,00 € 60 Min.
Group-aupervision by arrangement
all other groups and courses see information under Groups & Courses

Registration can be made by phone or email.

It becomes binding with the transfer of the course fee or the agreed deposit.

Please contact me if you have any questions:

phone 0261 973 324 44
mobile 0157 81 952 110

or by email to info@jbernstaedt-psychotherapie.de

These problems could be assigned to different areas.
  • Life counselling: mastering the transition from one stage of life to the next, moving out of home, end of employment …
  • Couple counselling: when there is a crisis in the relationship …
  • Educational counselling: e.g. setting limits, supporting children at school …
  • Family counselling: when parents separate, patchwork families, difficulties with children with behavioural problems …
  • Vocational counselling: in case of difficulties at work, vocational reorientation …
  • Nutrition counselling: in case of dissatisfaction with weight …
  • Other: i. e. wanting to stop smoking, issues around sexuality …


Therapy is about entrenched patterns that prevent the full development of your potential and hamper the shaping of your life in a satisfying way.

Perhaps you are already aware of these patterns and you have also tried to help yourself, but without the desired success. Instead, you are stuck.

In therapy you can experience and appreciate the meaning of stuck  patterns on the background of your personal biography. Thesepatterns are always related to past encounters and events that are still unfinished. In the therapeutic situation, they can be brought back to life in order to find self-determined closure.

You are encouraged to trust your own perception, With ease and hardly any effort your process of change has thus begun.

Unlike counselling, therapy lasts longer, at least for adults, usually 2 to 5 years. Ideally, you will have one therapy session every week for the first 2 years – sometimes two in times of crisis. After about 2 years, the frequency of sessions can decrease – depending on your needs.

My Prices
Type Price Duration
Individual and couple therapy   90,00 € 60 Min.
One-to-one supervision 100,00 € 60 Min.
Group-aupervision by arrangement
all other groups and courses see information under Groups & Courses

Registration can be made by phone or email.

It becomes binding with the transfer of the course fee or the agreed deposit.

Please contact me if you have any questions:

phone 0261 973 324 44
mobile 0157 81 952 110

or by email to info@jbernstaedt-psychotherapie.de

Reasons for therapy
  • an acute life crisis – such as illness or separation
  • a diffuse dissatisfaction in your life
  • entrenched patterns that prevent you from shaping your life satisfactorily
  • the desire,
    • to make sense of these entrenched patterns;
    • to heal old wounds;
    • to finally be able to express what has been held back for a long time;
    • to experience something new;
    • to try out ways of behaving that spring from your inner self;
    • to improve your own perception and to trust it;
    • to allow closeness and contact.


Supervision is first and foremost about relieving the burden and appreciating the work done. In addition, it helps to recognise entanglements and blind spots and to develop alternative ways of acting.

In many helping and educational professions, people are often left to their own devices and confronted with high complex demands.
A feeling of powerlessness, excessive demands and inadequacy can quickly creep in.
In private life, it is then not really possible to switch off, the professional stress has an effect on leisure time. In the long run, this can lead to chronic exhaustion and burnout.

A vicious circle has developed: The serious loss of zest for life in turn severely impairs the ability to work. Regular supervision can help prevent this. With a fresh look at the situation, alternative courses of action can be invented together, releasing the client to take responsibility for desired changes.

I offer individual, group and team supervision.

Team supervision can be about individual cases and/or the team as a whole.

Individual supervision usually lasts 1 hour, group or team supervision usually at least 2 hours.

My Prices
Type Price Duration
Individual and couple therapy   90,00 € 60 Min.
One-to-one supervision 100,00 € 60 Min.
Group-aupervision by arrangement
all other groups and courses see information under Groups & Courses

Registration can be made by phone or email.

It becomes binding with the transfer of the course fee or the agreed deposit.

Please contact me if you have any questions:

phone 0261 973 324 44
mobile 0157 81 952 110

or by email to info@jbernstaedt-psychotherapie.de

Content and function of supervision

  • a theoretical understanding of a problematic situation. Here, systemic constellations, clarification of the assignment, as well as clarification of realisable goals can contribute to relief.
  • Access to one’s own emotional involvement. The expression of feelings held back in the work situation and their allocation has a relieving, liberating and clarifying effect.
  • Concrete information and instructions for action.
  • Mobilisation of own creativity and support.
  • Guidance on mental hygiene: learning to set better boundaries, self-care, self-esteem, etc.
  • Promotion of perceptive and contact skills.
  • Development of autonomy and individual working style.


The Gestalt education serves the development of the personality as the basis for an expansion of professional competence.

In cooperation with the Gestalt Institute Hamburg, which is recognised by the German Association for Gestalt Therapy (DVG), I also offer training in Gestalt therapy. For more detailed information see the link below. The seminars take place mainly in my practice in Koblenz and it is possible to join at any time. The meetings are approximately once a month. After 2 taster weekends you can commit yourself for 1 year at a time. For example, for a degree as a Gestalt counsellor you will need at least 2 years, for one as a Gestalt therapist 4 years.

The training consists to a large extent of self-experience and guided practice. From this, a theoretical understanding of the Gestalt approach can gradually develop, supplemented by theoretical teaching of the essential concepts of Gestalt by the trainers.

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how processes of change can be stimulated and accompanied.

If you are interested, you are welcome to arrange a non-binding information session with me [Email].

[Gestalt Institute Hamburg]

My Prices
Type Price Duration
Individual and couple therapy   90,00 € 60 Min.
One-to-one supervision 100,00 € 60 Min.
Group-aupervision by arrangement
all other groups and courses see information under Groups & Courses

Registration can be made by phone or email.

It becomes binding with the transfer of the course fee or the agreed deposit.

Please contact me if you have any questions:

phone 0261 973 324 44
mobile 0157 81 952 110

or by email to info@jbernstaedt-psychotherapie.de

Contact Me

Dear interested party.

In order to be able to process your enquiry, I need at least your surname and your valid email address or telephone number.

I ask for your understanding. Of course, I will treat your data as well as your request absolutely confidentially.

Thank you very much.


Praxis für Gestaltarbeit, Psychotherapie u. Beratung
Josta Bernstädt
Südallee 64
D-56068 Koblenz

Communicate with me

+49 1578 / 1952 110
+49 261 / 973 32 444


The practice is centrally located and only 5 minutes walk away from the main station. Parking is possible there and in the street.